Friday, May 25, 2007

Modest Apparel For Ladies and Girls

Do you have trouble finding modest clothing for yourself or your daughters? The folks over at Adorned With Modesty are having a special freebie. The first 50 purchasing customers will each receive $10 FREE on all used clothing of $10.00 or more... all you pay is the shipping! After the first 50 have received their gift, all clothing (except a very few select items) will be 50% off!

Here are some other links where you can find modest apparel:

Ready Made Modest Clothing:
Patterns On-line:
Modest Swimwear

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the list! There are a few links that are new to me, I can't wait to check them out.

Backwoods Home Magazine - practical ideas for self-reliant living The Modesty Survey
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