Friday, August 17, 2007

Back Home Again

Well, yesterday was my last day at my temporary housekeeping job. I feel relieved that it's over, but will really miss the money as it has been such a blessing to be able to afford the little 'necessities' that I had taken for granted, once again. For example; I have been using the same razor to shave with for about two months prior to being offered this cleaning job. I hope that the mention of it hasn't grossed you out too much, but as you ladies know, shaving is a fact of life. Having shaved legs and underarms is important to ones self esteem. Not to mention, you just feel cleaner-- at least I do!

We were also able to have our cell phones reconnected after almost three weeks of being without them. Not having them was an inconvenience at best, but nothing earth shattering. Another burden has been lifted for us, in that, we now have enough money to pay off our gas bill. Hopefully, the gas company will now allow us to get a full re-fill before the cold temps arrive. (November is just a few short months away you know.) According to the gauge on the gas tank, we have been surviving on fumes for the past two months. Praise God for His blessings and provisions in our time of need!

To be honest, I was really getting discouraged about our situation here. It's hard living paycheck to paycheck, but God is showing me that in all things I need to trust Him. My ways are not His ways and that's a hard lesson that I'm still learning. There is still one major thing that is staring us in the face, but I am confident that God will work that out too and my prayer is that whatever happens His name will be glorified through it all.

During the midst of our financial struggles I received a note in my in-box that gave me inspiration. It came from Nancy Carter. Nancy is the editor for This Old Schoolhouse, Homeschool Minute.
Nancy was sharing what a crazy week it's been in their home due to several things breaking down. I could definitely relate to that as our water softener decided that it just wasn't going to condition our water anymore.

I have mentioned before in a previous post that we have well water. Well, our water here is very hard and full of rust. Without the softener, our white clothes don't stand a chance. Another reason that the softener is so important to us is that without it, our water isn't exactly palatable. Fortunately, with some investigative work on the part of my husband, he discovered the problem and after ordering the proper part, was able to fix it. As it turned out, it was all due to a broken $5 filter, about the circumference of a dime. I couldn't believe how important that small little filter was to the successful workings of my water softener! It reminded me of this quote: "The importance of the little things is often underrated because they are small; but they supply much of the actual discipline of life. There are really no nonessentials in the Christian's life. Our character building will be full of peril while we underrate the importance of the little things." Christ's Object Lessons ch. 25 p. 356 How true it is!!

Through Nancy's troubles she focused on the following bible text: " ...for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content." Phillipians 4:11 Ever since that day, this text has been a comfort to me and I posted it on my refrigerator as a constant reminder. God is so good to preserve His word throughout the centuries so that, even today, we might be encouraged and edified! May you each have a blessed Sabbath as you spend it with your family and the Creator of our universe.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Funny that you mention winter and gas. I just checked our propane tank this morning and went to look around at all of the wood that needs to be split. Winter is indeed coming!

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