Thursday, August 23, 2007

Blogs that Inspire and Uplift

I wanted to take minute to let you know that I have just added two new links to my 'blogs of interest' list. I periodically find places that are interesting to me and I like to pass them on to you. This is the first time I've publicly announced any new additions. In the past, I have just added them with the word *NEW* in front of them and hoped that you might find them on your own. However, I thought better of it today. After all, how are you to really know unless I tell you, right?! :)

If you are interested in old-timey things, gaining motivation for a life of simplicity, frugality, and for days filled with encouragement and good feelings, you won't want to miss Rhonda's blog: Down to Earth & Amy's blog: Simple Folk.

After visiting with these dear ladies, I go away feeling motivated and invigorated. I hope you will be blessed by your visits as well.


Rhonda Jean said...

Helo Debbie dear. Thank you for adding me to your bloglist. I appreciate it and hope you continue to enjoy your visits. Now I'm going to have a look around here.

Warmly,Rhonda : )

SimpleFolk said...

Wow! Thank you so much for your sweet words. I enjoy your blog as well. :O)


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