Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Benefits of Oats

I have recently begun a quest to lose weight. This is not easy for me and I'm not fooling myself that it will be. Although I know it's best to lose weight at a slow rate to keep it off in the long run, as with most people, I want to be reach my goal yesterday!

I have spent some of my time today doing a bit of research on grains. Oats, in particular. I've heard that they are very healthy and can help lower cholesterol and also assist with weight loss. Lucky for me I like oats! I am aware that if I consistently work toward replacing foods of convenience we will be healthier overall. For the most part, I have accomplished this, but realize that there is still more I can do.

One thing I enjoy doing is shopping at our local healthfood store. There you can buy oats in bulk. However, they have an assortment and I never quite knew the difference between each. Here's what I've learned today...

"Oats are considered a ‘cleansing grain.’ They not only cleanse your intestinal tract but your blood as well. Oats contain an excellent balance of amino acids. It’s proteins are almost in perfect proportion to the body’s needs. High in lysine which is often low in other cereal grains, oats bring a real balance to your protein needs without the need of mixing foods. Oats contain high levels of complex carbohydrates which have been linked to reducing the risk of cancer and the better control of diabetes. Oats are also rich in the B vitamins, contain the anti-oxidant vitamin E and oats are mineral rich as well.

In the grocery stores of North America, oats are most often found as either regular or quick rolled oats. However, if you have a flaker, you can produce your own rolled oats from our oat groats producing a fresher, tastier, and more nutritious cereal. You can also run oat groats through your grain grinder to get oat flour for baking or for use in other dishes. Using 25% oat flour, the natural vitamin E in oats will help keep your breads from going stale so quickly. Oat flour can also be used as a preservative for ice cream and other dairy products (it’s that vitamin E again). It’s also used as a talc replacer in skin care products.

Oat bran contains ß glucans, a cholesterol lowering chemical through a mechanism still unclear to the scientific community. This soluble fiber in oat bran may also aid in regulating blood sugar levels by forming gels that slow the absorption of glucose sugar in the intestinal tract. It only takes 2 minutes to cook oat bran in boiling water. It’s almost a convenience food when thinking of things to have for breakfast.

It takes about 10-15 minutes to cook regular rolled oats. Quick rolled oats, being thinner, cook much quicker in 2-3 minutes. And instant rolled oats, which have already been cooked then dehydrated, just need hot water added. As instant rolled oats are the least nutritious, you should seriously re-think about using them in your every day cooking habits, instead of using the slower cooking, quick oats. Instant oats certainly have their place, however, such as on camping trips and in your 72 hour kits.

Using rolled oats as a meat extender in meat loafs is a well known practice. And then there's oatmeal cookies. But aside from eating oatmeal for breakfast, oats aren't used too much in mainstream North America today. This is too bad as oats are so extremely healthy! The Scots and Irish base much of their cooking on oats, showing us Americans by good example that oats are a more versatile food than we seem to think. Oat flour makes rich thickeners for soups, gravies and stews. Oat flour will also add nutrition to your breads, muffins, crackers, beverages and desserts. And everybody knows oats are the main ingredient in granola.

Because of the antioxidants in oats, they are a good storing grain. However, for best storage conditions, pack them in airtight containers, use oxygen absorbers and store them in a cool place."

Now that I know more about oats I can utilizing them for their maximum nutrition, making them the most beneficial for my family. This makes me feel good! :)

~"She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness." Proverbs 31:27

Information on oats provided by: Walton Feed, Inc.
Other Sources: Everything Oats
Oat Recipes


sweetscentsandmakeup said...

I'm trying to lose weight as well and I've been eating oatmeal for breakfast almost every morning. I've been eating the instant oats, but will be getting the slower cooking oats as soon as I'm done this bag.

All the best with your weight loss journey!

Unknown said...

I'm a huge fan of oatmeal. I think we eat it about 3-4 times a week. It's a very versatile and healthy food.

Unknown said...

I'm a major oats fan. I usually buy it in the 50lb bags because we eat so much of it!

Anonymous said...

I found this blog a'surfin'! I am saved several decades; wed to my wonderful husband over 20 years with full-grown and a 'not-full-grown' children ;). My blog is about my journey in 'this temple' or 'soul' (soul meaning flesh). I have bookmarked your page. I, too, could use some weight droppage!LOL. Your site is very homey. ;)

Lisa said...

Great to see you back Debbie. Hope you had a great vacation with your family! :o)

My husband eats oatmeal every morning for breakfast. Maybe I should too. ;o)

Debbie Ann said...

Nadine-- Good luck on your weight loss adventure. I know how hard it can be. My trouble is knowing when to say enough... my mouth says more, when my tummy says stop! :O

Ann-- Unfortunately, my son & I are really the only one's who like oatmeal, particularly for breakfast. I don't know how cost effective it would be for us to buy it in 50# quantities. Thankfully, the rest of my family will eat it in oat burgers & other vegan dishes.

Welcome to my blog Heartthoughts! I look forward to visiting you over at your blog home too. It's good to meet new friends, isn't it? :)

Thanks for the WB Lisa! It's good to be home! I miss the warm temps that Florida has. Since returning to Indiana, the weather has been pretty yucky here. Cold temps, windy, & rainy. I can't seem to get my bones warmed back up yet. I'm planning to post some of our vacation pictures here on my blog as soon as I can get them all organized.

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