Friday, April 13, 2007

Happy Sabbath

"When the Sabbath begins, we should place a guard upon ourselves, upon our acts and our words, lest we rob God by appropriating to our own use that time which is strictly the Lord's. We should not do ourselves, nor suffer our children to do any manner of our own work for a livelihood, or anything which could have been done on the six working days. Friday is the day of preparation. Time can then be devoted to making the necessary preparation for the Sabbath, and to thinking and conversing about it. Nothing which will in the sight of Heaven be regarded as a violation of the holy Sabbath should be left unsaid or undone, to be said or done upon the Sabbath. God requires not only that we refrain from physical labor upon the Sabbath, but that the mind be disciplined to dwell upon sacred themes. By conversing upon worldly things, or by engaging in light and trifling conversation, we virtually transgress the fourth commandment." Gospel Workers, p. 208
Sabbath Blessings to all my 7th day Sabbath keeping friends!


Not the Waltons said...

Have a blessed Sabbath! Thank you for such a wonderful way for entering, beautiful picture and words.


Lisa said...

So ture. Great picture. :o)

Lore said...

What a wonderful quote! It encouraged me today (Friday) to get everything ready for tomorrow. I has been a hectic week for us and I don't want that to get me distracted to make all preparations for this special day!
Thanks for the encouraging quote. Have a blessed Sabbath!

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